Intro to Clinical Microbiology Lesson 2:
Introduction to Bacteriology
Compare and contrast the interpretations of Gram stains for rapid diagnosis of causative bacterial agents from sterile and contaminated sites and discuss the clinical settings where recognition of bacteria is most meaningful. (M1.2)
Give examples of the types of testing, and their optimal usage, performed in microbiology to identify an infectious disease. (M1.3)
Associate mechanisms of action with antimicrobial agents including the following: disruption of cell wall synthesis, inhibition of protein synthesis, inhibition of DNA synthesis, and antimetabolites. (M2.1)
State the spectrum of activity for common antimicrobial agents. (M2.2)
List examples of molecular tests that are commonly used in clinical microbiology, and explain how they have an important impact on clinical care. (M2.9)
Explain how the application of Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/ Ionization time of Flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry in the clinical microbiology laboratory can impact patient care. (M2.10)
Integrate concepts of mycobacteriology with diagnostic techniques including culture, molecular, and antigen diagnostics to identify mycobacterial infections and guide treatment. (M4)
Describe the diagnostic tests available for the identification of mycobacteria including culture methods and new molecular tests. (M4.1)
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Introduction to Bacteriology
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