Lesson 1: Kidney
- Understand the anatomy and histology of the kidney
- Recognize common malignant and benign neoplastic kidney diseases
- Review basic immunohistochemistry related to kidney neoplasms
To Do List:
- Take pre-module quiz
- Watch videos on normal histology and neoplastic kidney
- Review handout of basic anatomy, histology, three common benign entities and three common malignant entities in a quick outline format (with pictures!)
- Take post-module quiz
Pre-lesson Quiz:
Normal Histology of the Kidney
Neoplastic kidney
Clear Cell Carcinoma
A Pattern-based Approach to Kidney Tumors
Download and review handout
Grading and Staging of Kidney Tumors
The ISUP System of Staging, Grading and Classification of Renal Cell Neoplasia
Additional Resources
Post-Lesson Assessment
Congratulations on finishing this module! In order to get your course certificate, please complete the exam and satisfaction survey linked below.
The exam will consist of 10 questions with a short feedback section at the beginning. You will have TWO attempts to take the quiz and pass with a score of 60% or higher. If you do not receive your certificate with 10 minutes of completing your exam, please contact us.