Course Home
Course Director: Maximo Marin, MD
How to contact us
The best way to get in contact with your course leadership is through this form. Once you fill out the contact request form with your email, one of the professors listed above will reach out to you directly with an answer to your question.
How to succeed in this course
Register, take the pre-lesson surveys, and finish each post-lesson assessment
Read all material posted on the course website
Engage with other classmates and course leadership on twitter with #CoagPathElective
Do not hesitate to ask questions—we are here for you!
Enjoy you time learning about coagulation!
Course Description
Coagulation is the process by which the blood clots. Disorders in coagulation can potentially lead to hemorrhage and or thrombosis. Further, disorders of the coagulation processes can occur secondary to other diseases such autoimmune diseases, infections and cancer. Although coagulation is a highly complex process, here we will emphasize on basic concepts that will lead us to understand how some routine laboratory testing is done and interpreted. Some of the questions and concepts that you will learn in this module include:
What is the difference between primary and secondary hemostasis?
What role does fibrinolysis play in coagulation?
What are common disorders involving coagulation factors? Platelets?
How to discern whether to do a PTT and or PT?
Alright enough of that, let’s get started!
Technical help
Use the Contact Us for for general technical help
Course materials have either been created specifically for PathElective.com or curated from free sources. When the course links to an outside source or link which is free, PathElective does not claim ownership or any rights to that material - we are merely promoting excellent pathology education with all due credit to original authors
Course Map
This course is comprised of 7 lessons. Please attempt the pre-assessment quiz before starting the lessons. The final assessment will be located on the final lesson page.
When all 7 lessons are complete, please take the post-assessment quiz here: