Forensic Pathology/Autopsy
Course Home
Course Leadership
Sarah Garner, MS, PA(ASCP)cm | Emily Hagen, MS4 | Dr. Amy Deekan, MD | Dr. Walter Kemp, MD, PhD | Michael Williams, MD, MS | Kristy Waite, DO | Gitto Lorenzo, MD
Course Contributors
Leslie Anderson, MD | Shashank Tyagi, MD | Nicole Jackson, MD | Emma Henrie, MD | Vijayalakshmi Ananthanarayanan, MD | Allison Martin, MS4 | Priscilla Baez, BA
How to contact us
The best way to get in contact with your course leadership is using the e-mail address for the course – PathElective.Autopsy@gmail.com
How to succeed in this course
Register, take the pre-course survey, and finish each post-course assessment
Follow the To-Do list for each lesson in the module
Review the study guide before taking the post-course assessment
Do not hesitate to ask questions—we are all very approachable either through social media channels or our email account, pathelective.autopsy@gmail.com
Enjoy your time learning about Forensic Pathology/Autopsy!
How to enhance learning topics covered in this module:
Course Description
This module is designed for beginners in autopsy pathology to learn basic concepts regarding legal aspects of autopsy, the difference between forensic and hospital autopsy, dissection techniques, gross and microscopic findings in common diseases discovered during forensic and hospital autopsies.
Technical help
Use the Contact Us for general technical help
Course materials have either been created specifically for PathElective.com or curated from free sources. When the course links to an outside source or link which is free, PathElective does not claim ownership or any rights to that material - we are merely promoting excellent pathology education with all due credit to original authors. All textbooks and resources utilized in the lectures are cited appropriately and listed in our references section.
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